Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Jack Hudson Trythall

And...Here is the highlight to my trip to Sacramento to visit & meet Jack {oh ya, and to see The Smith-Jensen-Trythall families}. I feel so blessed and lucky to have Whitney & Steve in my life, and now the wonderful JACK. I loved being able to spend time with everyone, I love you all!


Mosley Family said...

Holy crap 'ola!!! I am SOOOO excited! You know I am totally going to be a follower. I was so much fun having you hang out with us in AZ. I just isn't the same without you around the holidays. We'll have to do it again next year!!! I will be post my AZ pics soon...stay tuned!!!

Whit and Steve said...

Yay!! we made your blog!! hee hee. It was so great to have you there! It would not have been the same without you! WE are lucky to have you in our lives!! Love you!